January/ February F.A.R.M. Club Newsletter
We would like to Thank our outgoing President,
Jim Patterson, for doing a great job as our 2016 Club President. We would also
like to welcome our 2017 Club President, Jim Hurst. Our new director is Russ
We are already working on our 2017 show. The dates for the show are
September 14-17. The feature tractor is John Deere.
We will no longer be having the Powder Puff pull. There hasn’t been much
of a participation with it lately. We will instead have a 2500 lb.
cultivator class pull.
The Warren County Fair is trying something different this year, so they will
not be having an Antique Tractor Pull.
Our next Club meeting will be March 5th at the Warren County Fairgrounds at
Message from the president
Jim Hurst said it was great to see so many members at the last meeting.
2017 will prove to be an eventful year!
If you have any questions please contact one of our directors:
Jim Hurst: 513-623-4183 or 513-877-2765
Roger Walker: 513-256-5803 or wctractorguy@aol.com
Russ Rolke: 513-623-7562 or rcr@fuse.net
Dave Siebert, Treasurer: 937-603-4233 or davedenisesiebert@gmail.com
Regina Flynn, Secretary: 513-266-7414 or Flynn_regina@yahoo.com